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Medicine Information

| Friday, February 17, 2012

Analgesic + Antipyretic medicine

*Paracetamol  *Nimesulide

Anti depressant medicine

*Amitriptyline  *Nortriptyline  *Clomipramine*Maprotyline
*Flupenthixol  *Nortriptyline + Fluoxetine

Ulcer healing medicine/ H2 receptor blocker medicine

*Ranitidine  *Femotidine  *Cimetidine  *Roxatidine  
*Lansoprazole  *Omeprazole  *Esomeprazole  *Rabeprazole  
*Pantoprazole  *Antacid

Anti Vomiting medicine

*Promethazine theoelate  *Cinarizine  *Chloromazine
*Domperidone  (stemitil,motilon)

Anti convulsant / Anti epileptic medicine

*Diazepam  *Clonazepam  *Carbamazepine  *Phenobarbitone

Bronchodilator medicine

*Sulbutamol  *Aminophyline  *Theophyline *Bambuterol 
*Inhalar-(Sulbutamol, Betamethason, Sodium chromoglycate)

Anti histamine medicine

*Chlorpheniramine maleate  *Promethazine Hcl  *Mebhydroline  
*Cetrizine  *Levocetrizine  *Loratadine  *Desloratadine  
*Ketotifen  *Dophenhydramin  *Guaiphenesis + Ephidrin
*Condine phosphate  *Dextrometharpan

Anti hypertensive medicine

*Methyldopa  *Atenolol  *Metaprolol  *Propranolol  
*Nifidipine  *Amlodipine  *Diltiazm  *Analapril  
*Captopril  *Losatan potassium  *Lisinopril *Frusemidel

Vasodilators medicine

*Isosorbide dinitrate  *Isosorbide mononitrate  *Cinarizine  
*Flunerzine  *Vinpoceting

Anti spasodie medicine

*Hyoscine-N-butyl bromide  *Drotaverin *Oxy phenonium bromide  
*Atropine sulphat  *Methyl sulphat

NSAIDs (Non steroidal Anti inflammatory) medicine

*Diclofenac sodium  *Diclofenac photasium  *Ibuprofen  
*Aspirin *Dispirin  *Indomethacin  *Ketoprofen  
*Naproxen  *Celecoxib  *Rofecoxib  *Etoricixib  
*Valdecoxib  *Aceclofenac  *Tramadol  *Rizotifen

Steroids medicine

*Dexamethasone  *Hydro cortisone *Prednisolone *Betamethasone

Diuretics medicine

*Furosemide  *Thiazide  *Spironolactone *Osmotic diuretics

Purgatives / Laxative medicine

*Bisacody  *Inorganic salt  *Mineral oil *Suppository  *Lactulose

Anti amoebic / Anti protozoal  medicine

*Metronidazole  *Tinidazole  *Ornidazole *Diloxanide  

Anti helminthic medicine

*Mebendazole  *Alendazole  *Pirantal pamoate *Leramisol  
*Piperazine citrate

Anti Biotic medicine

*Phenoxy methyl penicillin  *Procaine penicillin 
*Benzathine penicillin  *Ampicillin  *Cloxacillin 
*Amoxicillin  *Dicloxacillin  *Cephalexin
*Cepradin  *Cefachlor  *Cefadroxil *Cefpoxime  
*Cefixime  *Ceftraxon *Cefoxitine  *Cefuroxime  
*Cefpodxime*Cotrimoxazole + Trimethoprim  
*Ciprofloxacin *Peffloxacin  *Offloxacin  
*Levofloxacin *Lomefloxacin  *Sparfloxacin  
*Nalidixic acid *Gentamycin  *Tetracycline  
*Doxycycline*Oxytetracycline  *Chloramphenicol 
*Erythromycin  *Azithromycin  *Spiramycin 
*Roxithromycin  *Clarithromycin

Anti Tubercular medicine

*Refimpicin  *INH (Isoniazid)  *Ethambutal *Pyrazinamide  
*Thyocetazone  *Streptomycin

Anti Fungal medicine

*Crisco fulvin  *Fluconazole  *Ketoconazole *Miconazole  
*Mycostatin / Ny statine *Econazole  *Whitfield

Anti malarial medicine

*Chloroquine  *Sulphadoxine +  Myrimethamine *Quinine  *Primaquine

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| Thursday, February 16, 2012

Ranitidine is indicated for the treatment of duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer reflux oesophagitis, zollinger-ellison syndrome post operative ulcer and other conditions where reduction of gastric secretion and acid output is desirable such as the prophylaxis of gastrointestinal haemorrhage from stress ulceration in seriously ill patients the prophylaxis of recurrent haemorrhage in patients with bleeding peptic ulcers and before general anaesthesia  in patients considered to be at risk of acid aspiration, obstetric patients during labour.

 Dosage and administration

Adult dose: Benign gastric and duodenal ulcer: Ranitidine 150 mg twice daily (morning and night) or 300 mg at night for 4-8 weeks.

Reflux oesophagitis: Ranitidine 150 mg twice daily or Ranitidine 300 mg as a single dose at night for up to 8 weeks. Peptic ulcer associated with NSAID: Ranitidine 150 mg twice daily or 300 mg at night for 8 weeks. In case of duodenal ulcer 300 mg can be given twice daily for 4 weeks.

Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome: 150 mg 3 times daily and this may be increased if necessary up to 6 mg daily in divided dose.

Contraindications:Ranitidine is contraindicated for patients with known hypersensitivity to the medicine.


Anorexia, nausea, abdominal pain, constipation, skin rash and mental confusion hallucination have occurred in some patients during Ranitidine therapy.


Histamine H2 antagonist may mask symptoms associated with carcinoma of the stomach and may therefore delay diagnosis of the condition. As Ranitidine is excreted through kidney, in severe renal impairment plasma level of the drug increases. Therefore, it is recommended that the dosage of Ranitidine in such patients to be 150 mg at night for 4 to 8 weeks. If an ulcer has not been healed after treatment the standard dosage regimen of 150 mg twice daily be instituted, if need followed, by maintenance treatment 150 mg at night. Regular supervision of patients with peptic ulcer and on non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs is recommended, especially in elderly. Ranitidine crosses the placenta but therapeutic doses administered to obstetric patients in labour of undergoing caesarean section have been without any adverse effect on labour, delivery or subsequent neonatal progress. Ranitidine is also excreted in human breast milk. Like other medicine ranitidine should only be used during pregnancy and lactation if essential.

Use in pregnancy and lactation:

Ranitidine should be given in this context only when absolutely necessary.    
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Paracetamol & Paracetamol Plus

| Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Paracetamol (Paracitamol Bp) 

Paracetamol is one of the safest and most widely used analgesic and antipyretic. Paracetamol produces analgesic action by elevation of the pain thresold and anti pyresis through action on the hypothalamic heat regulating center. Paracetamol exerts significantly milder side effects and most unlikely to produce many of the serious side effects associated with aspirin and other NSAIDs. Paracetamol is rapidly and completely absorbed from the GIT following oral administration.


All conditions requiring relief from fever and pain such as neuritis neuralgia headache  earache toothache pain due to rheumatic disorder cold, influenza , dysmenorrhea, post-vaccination pain and fever of children etc.


Paracetamol is contraindicated in patients with severerenal function impairment and hepatic disease (Viral Hepatitis)

Side Effect:

Side effects are significantly mild, though haematological reactions have been reported. Pancreatitis,skin rashes and other allergic reactions occur occasionally.


Paracetamol should be given with care to patients with impaired kidney or liver function.
   Paracetamol should be given with care to patients taking other drugs that affect the liver.

Over dose:

Moderate overdose: 4-10 gm/day. Excessive overdose: More than 10gm/day.
Symptoms of overdose include pallor, nausea, vomiting, anorexia and abdominal pain.
Liver damage may become apparent 12-48 hours after ingestion. In sever poisoning hepatic failure may progress to encephalopathy, come and death.

Use in Pregnancy and Lactation:

Paracetamol is safe in all stages of pregnancy and lactation.

Paracetamol Plus (Paracetamol 500 mg and Caffeine 65 mg)

Paracetamol plus has analgesic and antipyretic properties with weak anti-inflammatory activity. Caffeine is an alkaloid which is a theophylline-like Xanthine increases the solubility and transmembrane permeation of paracetamol plus. In addition, caffeine increases the pain threshold and tolerance of pain. Caffeine has also an intrinsic power to raise vessel tone in the brain, which provides another benefit to treat migraine and headache.


Paracetamol plus is indicated for the relief of fever, migraine and headache, common colds and flu, sore throat, earache, toothache, backache, rheumatic and benefit to treat migraine and headache.

Side Effect:

In recommended doses, it is usually free from side effects. However, skin reactions such as urticaria have been reported rarely.


·        It should be used with caution in severe liver or kidney damage.
·        Do not take other Paracetamol plus containing medications at the same time.
·        Avoid drinking too much coffee or tea when taking this Paracetamol plus.
Pregnancy and Lactation:

Although there is epidemiological evidence of the safety Paracetamol Plus in pregnancy and lactation, medical advice should be sought before using this product.
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Black Seed

| Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What is Black Seed?

The scientific name of Black Seed is Nigella Sativa. This 3mm long Black Seed is quiet Known as Kalojira in many countries. It is believed to be indigenous to the Mediterranean, but has been cultivated in other parts of the world including Saudi Arabia, Northern Africa and parts of Asia for its herbaceous qualities. From the ancient period, Black Seed is used to heal & prevent diseases. These tiny seeds are considered to be one of the greatest healing food supplement of all times that could be consumed starting from children of cerain ages up to elderly persons.

History of the Black Seed:

Black Seed was discovered in Tutankhamen’s tomb, implying that, it played a vital role in ancient Egyptian medicinal practices. The earliest written reference of Black Seed is found in the book of Isaiah in the Old Testament. Dioscoredes, a Greek physician of the 1st century, recorded that Black Seed were taken to treat headaches, nasal congestions, toothache and intestinal worms.

IBN Sina, Al Beruni and Hypocritas all of them mentioned in detail; about the uses and qualities of Black Seed. IBN Sina (980-1037 A.D.) one of the greatest physician of his time, mentioned in his famous book. The Canon of Medicine (regarded by many as the most famous book in the history of medicine in both the East and West at that time) The Black Seed increases vitality and removes fatigue. Black Seed has been traditionally and successfully used in the Middle and Far Eastern countries for centuries. The various used of Black Seed has accomplished the Arabic approbation Habbatul Barakah, translating The Seed of Blessing.

Natural values and scientific analysis of Black Seed:

The Black Seed contains over 100 valuable nutrients. It contains about 21% Protein, 38% Carbohydrate and 35% plant fats inclusive oils. Moreover it contains a lot of vitamins, minerals & essential amino acids.

The Nutritional Values as follow:

Protein…………208 ug/g
Thiamin………...15 ug/g
Riboflavin……...1 ug/g
Pyridoxine……..5 ug/g
Niacin………….57 ug/g
Folacin………...610 IU/g
Calcium………1.859 mg/g
Iron…………...105 ug/g
Copper………..18 ug/g
Zinc…………...60 ug/g
Phosphorus……5.265 mg/g

The Black Seed contains a non-starch polysaccharide component, which is useful source of dietary fiber. It is rich in fatty acids, particularly the unsaturated and essential fatty acids (i.e. linoleic and linolenic acid). Since the body cannot produce enough fatty acids, Black Seed helps to fill in the gap.

Fifteen amino acids made up the protein content of the Black Seed, which includes eight of the nine essential amino acids. As these essential amino acids cannot be synthesized within our body in sufficient quantities, consumption Black Seed can help us to do so.

Side Effects:

There is no side effect in taking Black Seed, because the Black Seed is a safe and effective food supplement. Black Seed can be taken by anyone. However, children’s less than three years of age and pregnant mother should not take Black Seed.
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